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Milarian solusi ventilasi sareng anu kuat? Blowers hawa kami nawiskeun kontrol udara udara anu henteu cocog pikeun lingkungan naon waé. Cocog sareng industri, komersial sareng peniraan padumukan, blus urang dunggus, awét, sareng dirancang kanggo operasi sepi. Pilih tina sajajalan tukang hideung sareng tukang ngaput kabutuhan ventilasi khusus anjeun. Tim ahli kami di dieu pikeun nyayogikeun para gemper sareng anu optimalisasi tip, mastikeun fros sistem HVA anjeun sareng prosés ventilasi sareng éfisién bakal langkung lancar. Pilih lapis udara kami pikeun unisiasi, efektif-épéktipik, sareng solusi ventilasi kompatalan anu minuhan anu nyumponan sarat unik anjeun.
The DSX-155 (DSX-155h1726N4p1a-1) kipas sentrifugal mangrupikeun alat gerakan hawa-kecuali pikeun nénjo industri sareng komérsial pikeun nungtut aplikasi industri sareng komérsial pikeun nungtut aplikasi industri samalawis. Kalayan desain daya tahan sareng fitur maju, kipas perséntungan éntri witulasi hawa lemes sareng olulasi suhu, janten idéal kanggo rupa hawa sareng kapendak.
Kipas gedong Ganda-160h Ganda nyaéta saley ventilasi serbat sareng ruang interfority anu dirarancang pikeun sababaraha purifikasi sareng ventilasi. Kalayan kapasitas rohangan héjo sareng syarat anu minimal, kipas ieu multeri-ara digawakeun kana sagala rupa-rupa sistem, supados langkung positip dina aplikasi.
Ngenalkeun Deshengxin IC143 Komputer Ecrifural, solusi ventiasi kécérén anu dirancang pikeun sababaraha aplikasi industri sareng komersial. Ngémutan desain centrifugal maju, bilah prinisi, sareng ciring anu ditarikna didamel tina bahan baku-kualitas luhur, kipas ieu mastikeun na ngirimkeun ulangan énergi anu imrési sareng tingkat bising. Cocog ngalereskeun pembersihan, laboratorium, ruangan operasi rumah sakit, sareng bengkang ngolah pangan, anu ngahijikeun larutan sareng kagét pikeun ngajaga suung sareng kanyamanan.
The DSX-EC145 EC-Centrifugal Fan is an innovative ventilation solution designed to deliver high-volume airflow with minimal energy consumption and noise. Its centrifugal design ensures efficient air movement, making it suitable for a wide range of ventilation and cooling applications in industrial, commercial, and residential settings.
The EC-190 fan is a centrifugal fan equipped with an Electrical Commutation (EC) motor, which is a brushless DC outer rotor motor. It combines the advantages of high intelligence, high energy efficiency, long lifespan, low vibration, and low noise, ensuring continuous and uninterrupted operation.
The EC195-2(DSX-EC195H136N8P1A-2) EC Blower is a premium ventilation solution that sets the benchmark for efficiency, reliability, and versatility. Combining robust construction with cutting-edge EC motor technology, this blower offers unparalleled performance for a wide range of applications, including industrial, commercial, and HVAC systems. With its advanced features and user-friendly controls, the EC195-2 is designed to meet the demanding ventilation needs of modern spaces.
Introducing the DSX-EC155(DSX-EC155H176N8P1A-2) EC-Centrifugal Blower Fan, a cutting-edge ventilation solution designed to deliver high-volume airflow with minimal energy consumption and noise. Engineered for versatility and efficiency, this fan is perfect for a wide range of applications, including industrial, commercial, and residential settings. With its advanced EC motor, centrifugal design, and robust construction, the DSX-EC155 stands out as a reliable and cost-effective ventilation solution.
The DSX-EC200 blower fan, powered by advanced EC motor technology, is a high-performance ventilation solution designed for various industrial, commercial, and HVAC systems. With its efficient energy conversion, low noise, and stable airflow output, the EC200 is an ideal choice for applications such as data centers, server rooms, factories, warehouses, shopping malls, hospitals, and purification ventilation equipment like air shower rooms.
The DSX-EC239 EC Blower Fan represents the cutting edge in ventilation technology, leveraging advanced EC motor technology to deliver efficient energy conversion and reduced energy consumption. Designed for versatility and reliability, this fan is perfect for a wide range of applications, including grain warehouses, data centers, server rooms, factories, and more. With its sophisticated control system and high-performance DC brushless motor, the DSX-EC239 ensures smooth, consistent airflow and minimal maintenance.